PMI Manufacturing Success Conference
In the fall of each year, current and prospective PMI members gather for four days of thought-provoking presentations and valuable networking at the annual PMI Manufacturing Success Conference. Attendees rate this time spent as extremely valuable. The conference’s program includes inspiring keynote speakers, presentations by subject matter experts, hands-on workshops, and enjoyable nights out.
PMI California Legislative Forum and Fly-In
PMI members and staff gather at the California capital each year to meet with California legislators and regulators on issues pertaining to plumbing, water, and public health and safety. Agencies generally meeting with the PMI delegation include the California Building Standards Commission, California Department of Housing and Community Development, California Department of Water Resources, and California Energy Commission. Legislative staff interested in industry-related bills often welcome PMI members as well.
PMI Washington Legislative Forum and Fly-In
Each year, PMI organizes the Washington, D.C., Legislative Forum and Fly-In to provide PMI members with opportunities to meet with and express their views and concerns to staff representing key legislators and regulators. The two-day event also includes presentations from experts on current issues relating to politics and elections, taxes, trade, industry regulations, and much more. PMI members also have the opportunity to network with each other and with beltway allies.
PMI Inspiring Leaders’ Program
Held on the first day of the PMI Manufacturing Success Conference, this one-of-a-kind, innovative training experience takes concepts from business and art to inspire creativity and innovation among your top talent. Nominate your high-potential employees today for this outstanding leadership development opportunity. This one-day program will inspire the ability to see and think differently, foster self-awareness, and instill a growth mindset.
Emerging Water Technology Symposium
There is no other occasion where participants can meet – all at once and in one place – so many well-known experts in the fields of water and energy efficiency. Attendees learn about emerging products and installation practices and hear the exchange of views on new trends in the industry. This biennial event is co-convened by PMI, the American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE), the Alliance for Water Efficiency (AWE), and the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO, in cooperation with the World Plumbing Council (WPC).