PMI 2019 California Legislative Forum and Fly-In


May 13th, 2019–May 14th, 2019


Sacramento, Calif.


Every year, PMI provides its members with the opportunity to be briefed on important legislative and regulatory issues, as well as the chance to schedule appointments with lawmakers representing their districts. This year the Sacramento Legislative Forum and Fly-In took place on May 13-14.

PMI CEO/Executive Director Kerry Stackpole emphasizes that meetings are open to all PMI members, not only senior executives. “Anyone from a PMI member company whose job entails having an understanding of legislative and regulatory issues or knowing the policymakers behind them will benefit from these events,” he explained. “This year will be especially interesting, given what’s on the table in Sacramento.”

In California, statewide or local issues include maintaining current water-efficiency standards, the use of recycled water, the replacement of non-compliant water fixtures in commercial buildings, Proposition 65, personal information obtained by product usage, lead in school water, lead in plumbing materials, packaging reform, housing development, and more. Because California is often a first-mover on policymaking, these discussions and issues often have national relevance. The day-and-a-half agenda and events are being planned by PMI California Government Affairs Consultant Jerry Desmond.

Generally, the Sacramento fly-in includes meetings with policymakers involved with legislation relating to plumbing manufacturing and with staff at regulatory agencies such as California Building Standards Commission, California Department of Housing and Community Development, California Department of Water Resources, and California Energy Commission.

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