Quarterly Report - 3rd Qtr 2014
Congressional Visits Scorecard (Currently on record, 2014): Delta Faucet Co. (1); Fisher Mfg. (1); Fluidmaster, Inc. (1); HOLDRITE (1); InSinkErator (1); Kohler Co. (1); Lavelle Products (1); Moen Inc. (1); Symmons Industries Inc. (1); TOTO (1); WCM Industries (1)
- PMI CEO chaired ICC-sponsored industry panel regarding 1.6 million US households without plumbing
- Board and Strategic Advisory Council strategy meeting at PMI headquarters in July
- Advocacy/Lobbying strategic direction and goals set for 2015
- 2014 PMI Fall Conference registration launched and sold out host hotel block
- New Expanded Sponsorship Program launched for Fall Conference has sold out
- Staff attended ASPE tradeshow with a PMI booth, message and collateral
- Launched new combined platform website for Safe Plumbing and PMI; conjoined websites create a link between PMI and our important online reference material to raise visibility and credibility as a resource
- Trade press coverage: PMI featured ad= 5 (conference specific); PMI featured in article= 10
- Successfully suggested changes (at the request of Sen. Barbara Boxer, Chair Senate EPW Committee staff) to the “W2: Water in the 21st Century Act (S. 2771/H.R. 5363);”
- Sent letter to entire Senate urging their co-sponsorship of same and targeted members in the House
- Drafted, circulated and secured support of nine organizations on a coalition letter to members of the California Energy Commission (CEC) highlighting the plumbing industry’s concerns with the CEC’spre-Regulatory draft concerning Standards for Toilets, Urinals & Faucets; coordinated a meeting with Commissioner McAllister of the CEC
- Hill meetings with: office of Rep. Lee Terry (R-NE), subcommittee chair of Commerce Manufacturing and Trade; office of Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) on his amendment to ban federal funding of efficient toilets; office of Rep. Tom Reed, co-chair of Manufacturing Caucus; and office of Rep. Jerry McNerney, member of House Energy and Commerce Committee and big supporter of water efficiency bills
- Joined the Ripon Society, a public policy organization, which hosts weekly events with members of Congress and staff; providing networking opportunities to-date on association priority issues with: Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) and Rep Mike Kelley (R-PA), who sits on the Ways & Means Committee, as well as a number of Hill staffers from offices of Sen. Portman (R-OH) and Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI)
- Coordinated residential lavatory faucet research project in response to the proposal submitted by the California Investor Owned Utilities (CA IOUs) to lower the flow rate for residential lavatory faucets; continuing the “How Low Can We Go?” research on consumer behavior
- Issued a survey on 1 pint urinals in response to the proposal submitted by the CA IOUs to lower the flush volume of urinals; intended to identify performance/maintenance issues in existing construction
- Obtained interpretations from NSF, IAPMO, and ICC in regard to NSF 14 not applying to fixture fittings
- Collaborated with, ASPE, WQA and IAPMO to educate others on product listing and labeling requirements
- Represented PMI at the ASME A112 Main Committee Meeting in Seattle and IAPMO Green Technical Committee Meeting in California
- PMI Technical Director/Association Manager continued member visits with: Kohler, Lavelle, InSinkerator, and Bradley
Respectfully submitted, Barbara C. Higgens, PMI CEO/Executive Director